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22 Flowers That Attract Butterflies: Easy To Care!

Are you a nature enthusiast looking to beautify your garden while inviting the mesmerising flutter of butterflies? Look no further! In this blog, we'll explore exquisite flowers that easily attract butterflies.

These enchanting blossoms add vibrancy to your outdoor space and create a haven for these delicate winged creatures.

1. Butterfly Bush

Aptly named, the butterfly bush is a plant that attracts butterflies to your yard. Its lush purple blossoms serve as a guiding light for various butterfly species. Originating from China and Japan, this bush blooms from June to September, painting gardens with vibrant hues.

However, while purchasing, opting for the "seedless" cultivars of butterfly bush is crucial, safeguarding against potential invasiveness.

To keep a continuous stream of these colourful flowers and butterflies in your garden, plant the Butterfly Bush in rich, well-draining soil and full sunlight.

2. Marigolds

Marigolds aren't just pest deterrents but bona fide butterfly magnets. Their radiant blooms mirror the carnation heads, presenting a palette of oranges, yellows, and whites.

These flowers continuously provide nectar, making them a food-rich source for various butterfly species throughout summer. Marigolds are a versatile, indispensable cornerstone for butterfly gardens when planted in neutral soil exposed to full or partial sun.

Their adaptability and resilience, combined with their allure for butterflies, make them an excellent choice for novice and seasoned gardeners

3. Salvia

A member of the sage family, salvia graces gardens with small, vivid flowers during summer. Their nectar-rich blooms attract butterflies. Preferring hot climates, the perennial variety of salvia offers a spectrum of colours and types.

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, salvia is durable enough to stand against deer and diseases, making it not just a treat for the eyes but also a long-lasting, hardy choice for gardens, ensuring a harmonious coexistence with its winged visitors.

4. Sunflowers

Majestically growing between three to six feet, sunflowers symbolise joy and vitality. These flowers are not just visually appealing, thanks to their copious nectar as a beacon for butterflies. They can draw butterflies with their bright colours, large flower heads, nectar, and lush foliage that serves as caterpillar food.

These flowers typically bloom in mid to late summer, in which many butterflies begin to migrate. Large sunflower fields become a valuable food source for travelling butterflies, and the sunflower leaves create an ideal environment for caterpillars to grow and transform into butterflies.

5. Cornflower

Cornflower is a brightly coloured, low-maintenance flowering plant that not only attracts butterflies but also has the delightful habit of self-seeding, ensuring its return to your garden year after year.

This flower thrives in sun-filled spots, gracing your garden with its presence in early summer. Cornflowers offer a spectrum of white, pink, or blue flowers that are simply irresistible to butterflies.

With their vibrant blooms and self-sustaining nature, cornflowers are a must-have for any garden seeking to charm these delicate winged visitors.

6. Golden Senna

Golden Senna, part of the Senna genus, brightens gardens with its vibrant yellow blooms. It's a favourite stop for bees like sweat, resin, cuckoo, leafcutter, and bumble bees, seeking pollen and nectar. Butterflies like the Sleepy orange, Little yellow, Cloudless, Orange Barred, and Statira sulphurs are also frequent visitors to this flower.

Notably, all Senna genus plants serve as homes for sulphur caterpillars. This means Golden Senna not only provides nectar but also nurtures butterfly larvae, making it an essential addition to butterfly-friendly gardens, combining beauty and ecological importance.

7. Blood Flower

Blood Flower, graced by red and orange blooms, is a beloved host for the Plain Tiger butterfly. Its flowers adorn the gardens, but take care as it has a toxic sap. This plant is a garden essential, boasting both visual charm and the effortless allure of butterflies.

This flower is easy to cultivate and thus, makes it a valuable addition to any butterfly-friendly garden. So, consider adding this charismatic plant to your landscape and witness the transformation of your garden into a captivating butterfly haven.

8. Privet

An unexpected allure for butterflies, the privet, presents ivory-white flowers in the spring and early summer. These fast-growing hedge shrubs draw in butterflies, especially Variegated India Privet with their sweet scent, proving that these flowers hold the most charm

9. Lavender

Lavender is a multifaceted gift for the garden. Its spiky aromatic flowers, adorned in pretty purple, are beloved by butterflies like the cabbage white, hairstreak, and monarch. This fragrant plant attracts butterflies and bees and thrives in drier soil and low humidity conditions.

10. Daylily

The radiant daylily, although not technically a lily, captivates butterflies with the nectar of its large, tubular flowers. Prominently displaying warm colours like orange and red, it's known for its adaptability, thriving in sunny spots and producing various hues.

While individual blooms might last a day, their frequent appearance ensures a garden buzzing with butterflies.

11. Globe Thistle

Closely related to sunflowers, the globe thistle showcases large orbs in purple or white that lure in butterflies during the summer. Its drought-tolerant nature makes it a choice flower for regions receiving rainfall, ensuring butterflies have a reliable nectar source.

12. Black-Eyed Susan

This perennial wildflower, native to North America, blossoms with daisy-like flowers that are irresistibly inviting to butterflies.

With blooms ranging from bronze to gold in the late summer, it's not only a magnet for butterflies like the great spangled fritillary but also a treat for birds, adding to the diversity and vibrancy of any garden.

13. Butterfly Weed

One of the most essential butterfly plants, this flower serves as the exclusive sustenance for monarch larvae, cementing its pivotal role in their lifecycle. Though it entices many butterfly varieties like swallowtails, skippers, and admirals with its vibrant blooms, the type of milkweed planted is paramount.

While tropical versions of milkweeds can disrupt the monarch butterflies' migration patterns, native butterfly weed remains harmonious with their natural patterns.

14. Frangipani

The Frangipani, scientifically known as Plumeria, is a captivating cultivar that can tower up to 8 metres tall. This charming plant boasts a profusion of white-pink flowers that grace your garden year-round. It has ornamental allure and a sweet fragrance to its surroundings.

The Plumeria 'JL Pink Pansy' flowers are a sight, with pristine white petals adorned by delicate pale pink edges and a petite yellow centre.

Each bloom spans approximately 6 centimetres in diameter, featuring egg-shaped petals that overlap gracefully, with a distinctive pink band on their undersides. These flowers are visually captivating and fill the air with a delightful, sweet scent that beckons butterflies and enhances your garden's charm.

15. Coreopsis

Coreopsis, a radiant Sunflower family member, illuminates gardens with its warm yellow, orange, and red tones. These sweet, sunny flowers, which typically grow between 5.48m and 7.31m, have a dual allure, while their blooms beckon bees and butterflies, their seed heads are favoured by birds.

Complementing their vibrant petals is a delicate, ferny foliage that adds to their charm. Notably resilient, when Coreopsis blossoms start to wane, a simple trim rejuvenates them, ensuring a continuous bloom.

16. Shasta Daisy

The Shasta daisy offers nectar and acts as a host plant for butterflies such as the painted lady and red admiral. With its propensity to bloom from summer into early autumn, spacing them adequately during planting is vital due to their growth patterns.

17. Ironweed

Flourishing in moisture-rich terrains, ironweed captivates with its regal purple blooms. Characterised by rigid, mostly smooth stems, occasionally adorned with a few silky white hairs near the leaf bases, its leaves are arranged alternately, measuring 10 to 30 centimetres in length and 2 to 4 centimetres in width.

These leaves have a smooth texture on the upper side, often appearing dark green, while their undersides feature a smooth to white pubescence.

What makes Ironweed particularly captivating is its role as an excellent nectar plant. It beckons a diverse array of butterflies and bees, making it a magnet for pollinators.

18. Zinnias

Radiating tropical shades, zinnias are butterfly magnets. These flowers, effortless to maintain, captivate butterflies, adding vibrancy to borders or kitchen gardens. Their diverse palette, barring blue, complements a butterfly-friendly environment splendidly.

19. Coneflower

Coneflowers lure a diverse range of butterflies rooted deep in the North American landscapes such as monarchs and different types of swallowtails, skippers, fritillaries, and admirals.

Their signature cone centres, surrounded by petals in hues like pink and orange, attract not only butterflies but also songbirds. Resilient and sun-loving, these flowers are an emblem of nature's synergy.

20. Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas, known for their captivating colours, are a fantastic choice for attracting butterflies and various other insects to your garden. Butterflies are particularly drawn to white and lighter-coloured flowers, including shades of orange and yellow.

Hydrangeas usually feature white or light-coloured blooms, making them highly appealing to butterflies in colour and size. With their sizable flower heads, hydrangeas stand out as a beacon for these enchanting insects.

Typically ranging from 3 to 9 feet in height, some tree varieties can reach up to a towering 25 feet with optimal growing conditions.

Providing hydrangeas with protection from harsh sunlight and strong winds is crucial. These resilient plants thrive without direct sunlight and can be positioned next to a shed or your home to shield them from the afternoon sun.

21. Coral Vine

The Coral Vine is a charming addition to any garden. Adorned with vibrant pink flowers, this flower thrives under bright sunlight. Its flowers, rich in nectar, serve as a delightful source of food for bees and butterflies.

With its heart-shaped leaves, it forms a dense canopy that provides shelter from the sun. While the most common flowers have pink blossoms, Coral Vine can be found in striking white or deep red hues.

This herbaceous slender-stemmed vine, which features tendrils or a threadlike shape plant at the ends of inflorescence, is a heat and drought-tolerant once established. In Singapore, it may tend to produce flowers primarily at the top of its growth.

22. Asystasia

Asystasia is a true gem in the garden with its enchanting array of flower colours ranging from pink and white to off-white, blue, and lavender. Each of its blooms boasts five delicate lobes, forming elegant tubular blossoms that create a striking contrast of petals.

This vibrant display of colour serves as an irresistible invitation to butterflies, transforming your garden into a haven of natural beauty.

Apart from its aesthetic allure, Asystasia exhibits remarkable versatility when it comes to growing conditions. Whether gracing seaside gardens, backyard landscapes, or environments with mildly salty air, this plant thrives effortlessly.

Asystasia further impresses with its low-maintenance nature once its seeds have been sown. This makes it an excellent choice for gardeners seeking beauty and ease in their floral selections.

Conclusion About Flowers That Attract Butterflies

In conclusion, the world of butterfly-attracting flowers is a delightful blend of colours and scents. We've uncovered 22 flowers that attract butterflies, beautify your garden, and create a haven for butterflies, enriching your outdoor space. As you embark on your gardening journey, Windflower Florist is here to cater to your floral needs.

At Windflower Florist, we prioritise quality in gifts and floral arrangements. Each bouquet is handcrafted with care and love. Whether you're seeking Singapore's top florist or need same-day bouquet delivery, shop now at Windflower Florist, and may your garden bloom with nature's beauty.

Frequently Asked Questions About Flowers That Attract Butterflies

Are There Specific Colours Of Flowers More Appealing To Butterflies?

Butterflies are predominantly drawn to red, yellow, orange, pink, and purple blossoms. The vivid hues stand out in garden landscapes, making them easier for butterflies to spot.

Can The Scent Of A Flower Influence Butterfly Attraction?

Yes, many butterflies have a keen sense of smell. Fragrant flowers can be powerful lures, guiding butterflies to their nectar source.

Apart From Flowers, What Other Garden Elements Attract Butterflies?

Besides nectar-rich flowers, butterflies seek water sources, sun-basking spots, and sheltered areas for resting. Puddling stations, sunny clearings, and shrubby areas can make your garden more butterfly-friendly.

Do Perennial Or Annual Flowers Work Better For Attracting Butterflies?

Both have their merits. Perennials like the Red Valerian offer consistency year after year, while annuals can introduce varied nectar sources seasonally, ensuring that your garden remains a butterfly magnet throughout the year.


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